working papers

Monetary-Fiscal Interaction and the Liquidity of Government Debt

How does the monetary and fiscal policy mix alter households' saving incentives? And what are the resulting implications on the evolution and stabilization of the economy? To answer these questions, we build a heterogenous agents New Keynesian model …

The Perils of the Dual Mandate

We study the implications of a ‘dual mandate’ of price and output stability in a heterogeneous agent New Keynesian economy where fiscal policy is set in nominal terms. Specifically, we explore the scenario where the government controls the quantity …

A tail of labor supply and a tale of monetary policy

We study the interaction between monetary policy and labor supply decisions at the household level. We uncover evidence of heterogeneous responses and a strong countercycli- cality of hours worked in the left tail of the income distribution, …

Monetary-fiscal interactions and liquidity of government debt